Digital Transformation for Business: 5 Big Success Stories

The product consists of two components–an agent-facing dashboard and a traveler-facing mobile application. Both internal and client-facing digitalization allowed travel agencies to minimize the disruption risks. MIT Sloan Management Review disclosed a story of one retail brand that made customers angry because the representatives in a store didn’t have access to their online order history.

digital transformation for business

Making large, company wide changes can come with resistance from employees—you can prevent this from happening by having a solid change management strategy in place before pushing the change into action. The goal of digital transformation isn’t just to add new technologies into your business randomly, it’s to strategically add technologies that will bring your end customers more value than what your team is currently providing. Image sourceIt seems that it is difficult to find a more “analog” industry than the automotive industry. And yet AUDI has decided to enter the digital world with its new services, and became one of the most successful digital transformations examples. In the past decade, digital technologies have been driving change in the workplace.

Encourages innovation

Another push towards digital transformation may simply be to make things more convenient for your audience. In terms of SEO, there are web crawlers and analytics tools, as well as rank trackers and AI-based optimization grading tools. They also built an engagement app that allowed families to connect and communicate with their loved ones throughout the pandemic. On top of this, they launched a care management app for more efficient time management and treatment of their patients.

These efforts have improved collaboration among local teams as well as across regions in the midst of the global financial and construction industry crises. In oil and gas, senior executives of Ecopetrol in Colombia have embarked on a five-year journey to develop a digital business enterprise. They believe these digital capabilities coupled with non-digital assets will best prepare their company to compete in the regional and global oil and gas industry. Since then, organization shave widely implemented digital technologies, modified processes to be digitally enabled, and generally become more digitally savvy, but often in an ad hoc manner, without an overarching structure or strategy. Here, we view DBT as a journey that must be approached and navigated mindfully.

Digital transformation roadmap 1: changing how you deliver

Data scientists and data architects are also in high demand, as companies seek to glean insights out of vast troves of data, and transformations lean increasingly on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Technology changes at a rapid pace, and if your team wants to be innovative and use cutting edge technology, they have to be receptive to new changes quickly. As you begin adopting new digital strategies, your team will adapt to those changes. The more agile your team is, the more they can pivot when more digital innovation happens.

digital transformation for business

Southwest failed to keep its IT software and infrastructure modernized, and it cost the company millions in revenue, an enormous about of negative PR, and ravished the company’s image with its customers. Let’s look at a recent example highlighting the critical nature of digital transformation – Southwest Airlines. At this point, it’s not about enterprises choosing to transform; it’s more about deciding how to transform. Organizations that combine high levels of technology adoption with a holistic approach to transformation can achieve higher rates of revenue growth.

The future: COVID-19, sustainability and the impact of challenges ahead

A lack of skills – To transform your business requires manpower and often companies do not have the knowledge and skills required. Training can have a huge impact on staff skills, so think about creating or bringing in a tailored program that covers the specific areas your company needs to thrive. A lack of commitment – This is a long process that will take time and commitment. Make sure your business has a multi-year plan to guide the process and an expectation across the company that time is required. Digital upskilling – There’s no denying that there’s a global digital skills shortage across businesses. Upskill existing staff in new skills so they can not only perform new functions and be innovative but also advance their careers.

  • A business process is a collection of tasks conducted by employees, customers, partners or other stakeholders in a specific order to reach a certain end business objective.
  • The prevalence of legacy technology in enterprise IT still hinders CIOs’ ability to successfully embark on a digital transformation strategy.
  • There were also significant changes to companies during this time such as remote working , changing customer needs and preferences, along with cloud migration.
  • Privacy and adherence to regulations is key in this sector and as a result, it’s been slow to digitally transform.
  • Clearly the automotive industry is reshaping itself to improve operations, performance, and customer experience.
  • Billion-dollar companies are born out of the minds of entrepreneurs in the space of a few months.

So, we are still on a predominantly technological level here but with a clearer focus on business and customer innovation . It’s important to remind that in a digital transformation context, all these aspects, functions, processes, etc. are interconnected and silos have less place, not from a technological perspective but most of all also not from a process and people perspective. Digital marketing, even if that’s an important part of the business activities and if it’s the context in which digital transformation is often used. For now, we’re going fully hybrid in all senses, also in the integration of digital technologies within our human selves, what the 4th platform will be.

What are the five main areas of digital transformation?

This is a strong example of how a successful digital transformation strategy led to industry innovation. Digital transformation is the act of implementing digital technologies to business processes in a way that changes how your business operates. By improving your operations, you can then deliver more value to your customers. The term “digital transformation” is so widely used that many people think it’s just business jargon. However, digital transformation is an important concept for business leaders to understand.

digital transformation for business

Digital twins support digital transformation because they facilitate experimentation and collect data that supports more informed business decisions. But while digital transformation is a must to avoid IT meltdowns, it’s not as simple as upgrading legacy systems. Didier Rouillard is the Corporate VP of Quadient, a customer experience software company operating globally.

IT infrastructure: Migrating to the public cloud and adopting a three-tier service model

There’s a blind spot in most conversations that addresses the experience layer of interaction with customers. Every time we bring up the experience question, we tend to talk about what digital transformation means for business it in terms of user experience or customer experience. We emphasize how a customer or a partner interacts with the brand and how the brand dictates the rules of this interaction.

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