Optically Stimulated Luminescence Wikipedia

32, 57–73 . This work presents a detailed empirical description of the most widely used dose-measurement procedure in retrospective dosimetry using luminescence. Beerten, K. Electron spin resonance , optically stimulated luminescence and terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide dating of quartz from a Plio-Pleistocene sandy formation in the Campine area, NE Belgium.

Journal of Quaternary Science, 31, 551–564. Kang, B.W., 2010, An examination of chronology, ethnic group, and social ranking based on mortuary data from central Korea. Asian Perspectives, 49, 180–204.

Bogcarg Zangbo is the major infilling river. David R. Soller, in his 1988 US Geological Survey Professional Paper on the history of the Cape Fear River Valley, made a pertinent observation. This process has resulted in a series of ever-younger terraces existing at incrementally lower elevations as the terrain is traversed from the backbone of the Arch towards the current Holocene channel and flood plain.

Soil Erosion and Sedimentation in Central Europe From the Neolithic to the Industrial Revolution-The German and Polish Records

Armitage, S. J. & Pinder, R. C. Testing the applicability of optically stimulated luminescence dating to Ocean Drilling Program cores. 39, 124–130 . Two terrestrial cores were obtained from Jieyang, the northwestern part of the Rongjiang plain by rotary drilling. Core ZK001 is located in Rongcheng District (116°23′36″ E, 23°32′51″ N; 8 m above sea level ), with a depth of 90.85 m.

The results of these four samples suggest a high lake level of +40 m in the middle Holocene. Compared with those of S1, the results clearly show that lake level rapidly dropped about 20 m since 9.2 to 5–6 ka. A proxy study from Dagze Co also suggests relatively high lake water salinity, reduced runoff, and a dry environment during the early to middle Holocene (Hou et al., 2017). The potential reasons for the discrepancy between 14C and OSL ages in this study need to be investigated. Because of groundwater-level fluctuations and wet–dry seasonal variations in hydrochemistry in coastal plains and swamps, contamination of humus could occur at different times .


Rev. Earth Planet. 39, 461–488 . Experimental tests on archaeological ceramics followed a few years later in 1960 by Grögler et al. Over the next few decades, thermoluminescence https://thedatingpros.com/ research was focused on heated pottery and ceramics, burnt flints, baked hearth sediments, oven stones from burnt mounds and other heated objects.

This list is generated based on data provided byCrossref. Browse Photos Search our large member base with ease, with a range of preferences and settings.Start Communicating Send a message or interest to start communicating with members. It’s your time to shine. 3) The shrinkage of Dagze Co generally follows a similar pattern to the evolution process of adjacent Tibetan lakes and the trend of Asian monsoon intensity, suggesting a long-term control of monsoon precipitation. A necessary constraint implied in a catastrophic genesis for the Goldsboro Ridge is that a dating exercise must yield a unique age for the entire structure. By extension, that same date should be evidenced deep within all Carolina bay structures.

However, the reliability of the dating here is demonstrated by results obtained directly from the human bone (ANU62918 and ANU62919, respectively, calAD 1046–1219 and calAD 772–950) that broadly support the charcoal dates . The development of in situ analytical techniques within individual grains enabled complex, multiple growth histories to be measured. Multi-grain analyses could be done quickly and it became possible to analyse large mixed populations of grains from sediments. Given sufficient numbers of analyses per sample it is possible to identify the relative proportions of the sources of the detrital zircons.

We suggest that climate and tectonic perturbations in the upstream North American catchments can induce a substantial response in the downstream sectors of the Gulf Coastal Plain and ultimately in the GoM. Much of the Martian surface is covered by a weathering layer produced by long-term surface processes such as impact gardening, eolian erosion, water weathering, and glacial modifications. China’s first Martian mission, Tianwen-1, employed the Mars Rover Penetrating Radar to unveil the detailed structure of the regolith layer and assess its loss tangent. However, comparable radar data from the Lunar far side are rather uniform, despite the two surfaces being geologically contemporary. The close-to-surface crater presented in this study shows no detectable surface expression, which suggests an accelerated occultation rate for small craters on the surface of Mars as compared to the rate on the Moon.

81, 32–38 . Cunningham, A. C., Wallinga, J. & Minderhoud, P. S. J. Expectations of scatter in equivalent-dose distributions when using multi-grain aliquots for OSL dating. Geochronometria 38, 424–431 .

What is OSL dating?

& DeLong, S. B. A revised burial dose estimation procedure for optical dating of young and modern-age sediments. 4, 306–325 . Rink, W. J. Subterranean transport and deposition of quartz by ants in sandy sites relevant to age overestimation in optical luminescence dating. Archaeol.

These data are listed in S3 Table and identify 5 groups within each sample and their uncertainties. It is clear that all three samples have almost identical age groupings between ~260 and 500 Ma. In order of increasing age the groups are 268–270 Ma, 335–336 Ma, 364–390 Ma, 411–439 Ma and 471–485 Ma. Older grains are present in minor numbers and are not statistically significant apart from a sub-population between 1836 and 1876 Ma. Permits to work at the megalithic sites were obtained from the Lao Department of Heritage, Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism, Lao PDR. Wintle, A.G.