35 Year Old Woman Dating 21 Year Old Man Search For Love

Plus I am 47 so my chances I thought were low of getting knocked up. I have never really wanted to be a mother but now that I am with child my mine set I think has changes. I know that this is my only chance to become a mother so late in life. I just not sure what to do or what to think. I must admit I have been battling my own demons in my head over this very subject. I have always had issue with age gaps and because of the type of person I am I always looked to my parents who are 1year apart.

Life May Be Less Exciting

We’ve broken up just about every week in the last month and gotten back together a couple days later we can’t seem to just let go. Recently when I’ve decided to back away from him it’s like all of a sudden he’s more clingy, not like in the beginning but way more than he was in the last month and a half. I know I should just let him go but I truly love him and I don’t know what to do.

It’s one thing from a distance when they don’t have the deep trust you build in a relationship so you’re one of many and they will weigh your input with other people’s. It’s very different when they have that level of trust, and you’re involved in their affairs. If this man came out of a long marriage, he enjoyed the stability. He may still be friends with former partners.

We both have a past and have agreed to respect each other’s pasts. He’s protective and treats me really well. I feel so lucky and wouldn’t ever wanna be apart from him. Also, sometimes “needing” the blue pill to get it up is mental. Im 41, hes 64 and he used to need the pill in previous relationships. Our open communication and our acceptance of one another, has increase his libido, he no longer needs the pill to perform.

He has not pushed me to have sex but massages me and we cuddle like lovers. I think if I gave sex with him it will take us both to the next level but it could do the opposite. Scared to take that leap of faith but I’m going to. Did you have to have the kid talk?

Now I’m the age he was when we dated, I can see he definitely did not have his shit together. In the real world of dating, there are few actual rules. Half by seven may only be a guideline, but it is a useful one.

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Thus, we ladies have looked to older men to fulfill those more grown-up needs. To engage with an older guy is to peek inside a different point-of-view on life. (With the exception of my first Asian… IT WAS MY FIRST ASIAN!) And I obviously have the matching theory as to why to go along with it . I would try not to read to far into it at the minute until you have a bit more information.

A strong connection is real, no matter the age difference.

I love this man and I dont see him as an age, he is an amazing, kind, sexy, hot, gentle man. I dont care what anyone thinks about it. Well ladies after beign married and divorced.


I’m 24, just met this gorgeous 19yr old guy. I’m a very mature girl my self, i’ve worked in different country’s and always been able to support my self, moved out from my family when i was 16. I’m well into my career and have a better income than most people twice my age has, so i’m “put together” and ready for what life has to offer. I think in the end age doesn’t really matter any more.

It could just be that a woman fell in love with a man that is older than her, plain and simple. Demi and an older men i am a doctor because of women they are under 35 year old woman and. Anaheim police shoot, t, i am a 17-year-old who were under 35 guys my sister and.

He needs to find himself as a lover. He may not want to remarry, but he could feel comfortable in a serious relationship. Although he might take his time to commit, getting to know him will help you understand his relationship goals. Physically, he can still do many https://thedatingpros.com/ activities and have intimate adventures, but he tires more easily. Some men in this age group seek medical assistance for their sex lives, but they are still interested and active. Be supportive and remind him, that you’re there to date the whole person he is.